Cup Of Life Deck
2 min readMay 2, 2021


Many people who blog get frustrated after a few weeks or months when their blog fails to attract thousands of readers. It’s really a shame, because if bloggers follow some simple steps of blogging marketing, they will likely find that there is a willing audience that is eager to read about most of the topics. So what can a blogger do to be noticed?

Here are some blogging marketing ideas that should get most blogs getting reasonable traffic in a short period of time.

Niche blog: The world really doesn’t need another “decorating blog” about what you had for breakfast. Unless you are a great looking teen girl and want to put a lot of pictures on your blog, chances are you will have a hard time getting attention.

If you already have a vanity blog and are wondering why you’re not getting traffic, then you need to know that the vanity blog market is completely saturated. Think about starting or changing your blog to another topic — an interest or a hobby, for example.

Next, you need to start posting to forums. Put the blog URL in the forum signature (do not send spam to forums saying “Look at my blog”). If you join the conversation naturally, people will be curious and you’ll have few readers.

If the forum you are posting on is also related to a similar topic to your blog, you will likely get repeat readers from it! Try to find forums that are most popular in the industry you’re writing about. To find them, go to Google and search for your niche keyword plus “forum” and you’ll get a list. Try to find forums with at least a few thousand active members.

Make sure to comment and pingbacks on the other blogs I’ve linked so that they know about you. When people find out that you talked about them, they will come to see what you said.

So are some of their readers. Talking about trending stories from popular blogs might get more than just a few visitors as well.

Comment on other people’s blogs as often as you can (without spamming). In most cases, you can return a link back to your own blog and people follow those links.

It’s also a good idea to target blogs on the same topic as you, because then you will get targeted readers who are more likely to continue reading your blog. (Avoid using “comment spam” programs as Google can track this and will punish you).

Most importantly, keep blogging! No one will return to a blog that is updated weekly or only occasionally. You need to add more content at least once a day, especially in the early stages of your blog note. This is very important.



Cup Of Life Deck

Hi, I am Lile, a mother of two, passionate about travel, food, home décor, beauty, photography and much more.