Cup Of Life Deck
5 min readMay 5, 2021


Search engines are the vehicles that drive future customers to your networks. But for visitors to get to where they are going — your website — you need give them specific and effective icons that direct you to your site. You can do this by creating key words with caution.

If your keywords are being used in general or extensively, visitors are likely to be all your way — or see little real benefit from incoming visitors. .

Your keywords are the foundation of your marketing strategy. If they are not chosen correctly, no matter how bad your marketing campaign may be, the right people will never have a chance to find out.

So the first step in planning your strategy is to gather and evaluate keywords and phrases.

You probably think you already know the exact words for your search phrases. Unfortunately, if you do not follow certain specific steps, you are probably wrong. It’s hard to be a target when you’re right at the center in your business network, which is why you are not able to choose the most efficient keywords internally. You need to be able to think like your customers. And since you are a business owner and not a customer, your best bet is to go straight to the eye.

Instead of preoccupying yourself with crawling the search terms and phrases yourself, ask as many customer terms as you can. You will probably find that your understanding of your business and your customers’ understanding are very different.

Consumers are a valuable resource. You will find the words you collect from them are words and phrases that you are more likely to never think about the depth of your business.

Only when you have collected many words and phrases from external sources should you add your keyword to the list. Once you have this list in hand, you are ready for the next step: rating.

The purpose of the rating is to limit your list to a small number of words and phrases that guide the maximum number of visitors to your site. When I say “quality visitors” I mean those customers who are more likely to buy things instead of going around your site and going out into the green. When evaluating the effectiveness of keywords, keep in mind three factors: popularity, uniqueness, and motivation.

Popularity is the easiest to value because it is an objective quality. The more popular your keyword is, the more likely it is that it will be typed in a search engine that will then deliver your URL.

Now you can buy a software that will evaluate the popularity of keywords and phrases by giving the words a numerical rating based on the actual search engine performance. Software like WordTracker will even suggest a variety of your words and phrases The higher the number of keywords this program assigns to a given keyword, the more traffic you can reasonably expect to improve on your site. The only downside to this idea is the most popular keyword, the big one where the search engine you need to find. If you are under the search results, the customer will never go down to find you.

Popularity is not enough to pronounce the key word a good choice. You have to move on to the next requirement, which is unique. The more specific your keyword is, the more likely it is that the customer will be ready to buy your product or services.

Let’s look at a fictional example. Suppose you have received a popular rating for the term “car companies”. However, a company specializes in physical work only. The keyword “Car dealerships” will fall under the category of “car companies,” but in any case it would serve you very well. Instead of getting a lot of people interested in everything from buying a car to replacing their oil filters, you will only find those customers with the front end of a dumpster or a broken down to fix your site.

A key feature of the your God, that it will not be less competitive keywords. The third element is the consumer motivation. Once again, with him demands that you should fall, even you, on behalf of the customer’s mind, so that, if the dealer knew that, because of the type of product or service to such and such a man is looking for a most of all the needs of before in the word itself or the sentence. It is the thought that they might do. Let’s look at another example, a user such as an IT manager looking for a new job in the city. If you have to choose between “Seattle need job” and “Seattle IT Recruiters’ do

Consumers to benefit more do you think I do not? If you are looking for this type of specific job, and type the keywords that are? Second, of course; Use keywords others seek out the life force.

To gain experience is not necessary, that instead of hiring someone who is trying to figure out what to do so outside the school of his own life out of the parts between the strong drink, you should hire them. You want to find people who are willing to shop or work, and requires precise as long as you do your best keywords are tinkering to bring him motivated traffic to your site. You can find that one’s own, and it does not directly targeted phrases.

Once you chose your keywords, do not need you. You are constantly review the performance of various search engines, bearing in mind that times change and trends, as is the case with the popular lingo. And it does not make you put on the wrong traffic analysis, that alone does not tell you what people may actually purchase.

Fortunately, there are some new tools to help you decide which opinions effectiveness of your keywords in individual search engines. Software now available that analyzes user behavior in relation to user traffic. This lets you know which keywords bring you the most valuable customers.

This is necessary to have some for affiliate, program or higher. Take a look at profits. You need to find keywords that the users to the location of your product and to buy their own accord, or download the form of a fill thine hand with thy work. This is the most important factor in evaluating the use of the keyword phrase, and if you turn either to replace ineffective and invalid keywords can not be better with the help of words.

Keyword analysis permanent formula for mainstream search engine developer. That sounds like a lot of work and it was! Now we are more conscious effort to have set off on a campaign the keyword, the more they pay you your wages and ultimately, to restore business.

Originally published at on May 5, 2021.



Cup Of Life Deck

Hi, I am Lile, a mother of two, passionate about travel, food, home décor, beauty, photography and much more.